Dev Notes

Turns out making a roguelike was a lot more ambitious than I thought, so I had to cut a lot of items, enemies, graphics, etc. for the jam. With more time, I definitely would've liked to add stuff like visual indicators, and a final boss (which, spoilers, was gonna be an evil DM Fauna). I was also going for a "paper-like" look to the artstyle, but I didn't have a lot of time to make many assets unfortunately, so a lot of free assets were used instead as placeholders. It also didn't help that I decided to make multiple classes, enemies, items, and rooms lol. I had assets for an AO-chan enemy, named "Ominous book", (as shown in attachments), but didn't have the time to program it into the game.

Speaking of cut content, there were going to be items and blessings that let you alter abilities, such as copying a dice face onto another, or replacing them with other class-specific abilities. This would've allowed for more varied and unique runs, and also to have a way to get rid of the "Nothing" abilities. I was also going to pull an "Undertale" and have the final boss "destroy" or "lock" the run button, which would've been really cool, but again, I was a bit too ambitious. Also, in the concept stage, I even had a third class called "Agent", which references Fauna's Hitman streams of course. "Agent" would've been an OP class, with gun abilities, bananas that causes enemies to trip, assassinations, etc. 

The way I made the UI work and battles are also so incredibly messy and spaghetti that I don't know how it's even functional ><. In short, my dumbass decided to put almost everything on a single scene in the canvas, which meant I couldn't use any camera or tilemap related objects and looking for objects on the hierarchy was next to impossible T_T. 

There are also many design choices that I was unsure of or didn't have time for so I may tweak them later down the road, such as:

  • Whether rerolls should be used only for fights (based on TTRPG stream) or for all rooms (so it's not completely random) 
  • Whether enemy HP should be visible or not (Not visible right now due to Paper Mario inspiration and based on TTRPG stream)
  • Whether rolls or curtain should be much faster since it feels slow at its current state
  • Whether items should just be permanent, more impactful passives instead (like more traditional rogue-likes).
  • Having items and blessings that alter dice faces completely (this was just too hard or time-consuming to implement for the jam)

...Also I blame Elden Ring DLC for releasing during the jam, and my lack of self control for playing it.

...And I also spent too much time drawing the new Justice members.

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